Saturday, January 1, 2011

I don't mean to avunculize, but . . .

Dr. K just sent me this fun link to the "save the words" movement organized by Oxford Dictionaries.  For word nerds like us, this is a great interactive resource that jovially suggests ways to keep obscure words from ending up in the lexicographic dustbin.  A couple of my favorites are the cute "jobler," one who does small jobs, and "gleimous," a synonym for "slimy" that would be perfect for Tolkien's Gollum.  My least favorite, for obvious reasons to those of you who know me, is "magistricide," the killing of a teacher.  It makes me feel acrasial (look it up).

Happy New Year!    

1 comment:

  1. I just adopted 'avunculize' as uncle Stevie avunculises me
